

Codex Partnership Meeting 2023: Strengthening Collaboration for the Sustainable Green Future

Oct 25, 2023 | GEC, Partnership, Presentation

Since 2016, the privately organized Codex Partnership of the Green Energy Center Europe in Innsbruck has been committed with ist partners to “building the bridges to a sustainable green future” in a global context and to the “Tirol 2050 energy autonomous” strategy in a regional context.

On the 23rd of October 2023, the Green Energy Center Europe hosted the annual Codex Group Meeting and Partner Meeting to strengthen collaboration within the Codex partnership in the upcoming year to support the transformation of the energy system towards climate neutrality and energy autonomy.

In the framework of the “Power on Demand” and the complementary “Power to Hydrogen” processes, past and present collaborations, the collectively developed value chain, as well as the alignment of the unique expertise of each partner were explored during the meeting. The two processes are crucial for the reconstruction of the energy system. The relevant know-how are bundled in the “HyWest” and “E-West” process research laboratory which are operated by FEN Research at the Green Energy Center Europe.

In order to demonstrate the connections between the “Power on Demand” and “Power to Hydrogen” processes, the Urban Charge & Park Best Practice e-charging field at the Green Energy Center, the Quantum Computer at the Alpine Quantum Technologies and the electrolysis system of the Demo4Grid project at the “HyWest: MPREIS Hydrogen” facilities in Völs were visited. In addition, the perspectives arising from the HyWestHyBus and HySelect projects were discussed.

Codex partner companies from left to right: Hydrogen Advisers, ILF Consulting Engineers, TEADIT International Productions, H-TEC SYSTEMS, Wolftank Group

“Power on Demand“ process site visit: Urban Charge & Park Best Practice e-charging field

“Power on Demand“ process site visit: Quantum Computer at Alpine Quantum Technologies

“Power to Hydrogen” process excursion: “HyWest: MPREIS Hydrogen” facilities in Völs
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