

Demo4Grid Project is under construction: Europe’s largest Pressurized Alkaline Electrolyser is also a strong symbol for building the Bridge into a Green Future

Jan 28, 2021 | GEC, Demo4Grid

The following photos show the progress of the construction work of the Demo4Grid Project since the beginning in September 2020. The small bridge depicted connects the production and logistics center of MPreis (left side) and the new hydrogen facility (right side).

“This small bridge crosses a small green strip of a highly sensitive ecosystem and represents a very strong symbol for a bridge from the dirty carbon reality into a clean energy future. In other words: This hydrogen project consumes a part of nature for building the bridge into a sustainable green future and thus fulfills completely the vision of the Green Energy Center Europe and the mission of HyWest“, said by the founders Ernst and Nikolaus Fleischhacker from FEN Systems and Ewald Perwög from MPREIS Sustainable Energy Solutions.

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