

Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium meets Green Energy Center Europe

Jul 27, 2018 | GEC, Demo4Grid, Presentation, Site Visit

Josipa Petrunic visited together with Susanne Knobloch from the Embassy of Canada on the tour through Austria the Green Energy Center Europe. Mrs. Petrunic presetned her initiative “The Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium” (CUTRIC) which is a similar intatiative to the Green Energy Center.
The Founding-Members of the Green Energy Center Europe Nikolaus Fleischhacker, Lorenz Köll, Ewald Perwög and Dino Eicher reported about their activities for building the bridges into a green future. A special focus were on the H2-businessplan-projects and initiatives:

  • Zillertalbahn 2020+, energy autonomous with Hydrogen
  • Green Hydrogen for Mpreis, Tirol and Europe and Demo4Grid Project
  • Hydrogen-Highway and Hydrogen-Families in Austria
  • HyWest – Joint Venture, which combines the H2-competences in research and market matters for the large scale H2-businessplan projects in Tirol

Further contacts and collaborations were agreed.

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