Green Energy Center Europe

Building the bridge to a sustainable


A privately organised Partnership.

A privately organised Partnership.

The Green Energy Center Europe is a privately organised partnership for building the bridge into a sustainable green future. It represents a strong partnership where players from the industry and start-ups work together on the basis of a self defined Codex.

Transforming the Energy System.

Transforming the Energy System.

One of the main tasks for building the bridge to a sustainable green future is the transformation of the energy system into a energy-autonomous and climate-neutral with the self-defined complementary key processes “Power on Demand” and “Power to Hydrogen”, driven by the research Centers EWest and HyWest.

Supporting Autonomy & Climate Neutrality

Supporting Autonomy & Climate Neutrality

The goal of the private-sector initiative is to establish energy-autonomous systems that are free of CO2, fine particles and noise. This requires the consequent reconstruction of the energy system (heat and mobility), in which the fossil fuels are replaced by the regional/local resources sun, wind and water. In this context, the strategy “Tyrol 2050 energy-autonomous” is supported by the Codex Partnership, for which also a part of the responsibility is taken.

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